Wei Chen (wc3@andrew.cmu.edu), Ran You (rany2@andrew.cmu.edu)
We will implement a parallel solver of the Chess with the Multiverse Time Travel game using MPI, OpenMP, and Cilk on the GHC machines.
- Finish implementation of multiverse chess rules
- Test Cilk coding environment
- Finish implementation Minimax algorithm
- Define and implement utility function
- Parallelize the program in OpenMP
- Parallelize the program in MPI
- Parallelize the program in Cilk
- Optimize parallel programs
- Conduct experiments and analysis on the parallel program
- Write project report and prepare for project presentation
Game Rules
Extra dimensions of 4D Chess
The traditional chessboard coordinates are defined as row,col and row∈[0,7],col∈[0,7]. 4D chess have two additional dimensions timestep and timeline and Timestep ∈ [1,+∞] Timeline ∈ [-∞,+∞]
- Timestep: Number of rounds. The coordinate range is from the first round to the infinite round.
- Timeline : Timeline coordinates. White piece is recorded as positive, black is recorded as negative, and the initial timeline is 0
Moves of chess pieces
The rules of chess moves are the same as original chess. However, when a chess moves across timelines or back in time, these count as extra dimensions. For example, a knight can move 1 block in one dimension and 2 blocks in a perpendicular dimension, and timelines or timesteps are dimensions perpendicular to the ranks/files on a chess board.
find_moves {
For all timelines // parallelize over all timelines
For all historical timesteps // parallelize over all timesteps
For all chess pieces // parallelize over all pieces
Generate possible moves on current board (2D)
Add moves to a queue
main {
Initialize board
While (is not end) {
White find best moves for all timelines // parallelize over timelines
Build monte carlo tree // parallelize on subtrees (hard)
Run find_moves and update moves recursively
Evaluate utility function on all leaf nodes // parallel on nodes
Run minimax algo
Update white moves
Black find best moves
… … (same as white)
Update black moves