Parallel Chess with Multiverse Time Travel

15-618 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming - Final Project

Wei Chen (, Ran You (


We will implement a parallel solver of the Chess with the Multiverse Time Travel game using MPI, OpenMP, and Cilk on the GHC machines.



Game Rules

Extra dimensions of 4D Chess

The traditional chessboard coordinates are defined as row,col and row∈[0,7],col∈[0,7]. 4D chess have two additional dimensions timestep and timeline and Timestep ∈ [1,+∞] Timeline ∈ [-∞,+∞]


Moves of chess pieces

The rules of chess moves are the same as original chess. However, when a chess moves across timelines or back in time, these count as extra dimensions. For example, a knight can move 1 block in one dimension and 2 blocks in a perpendicular dimension, and timelines or timesteps are dimensions perpendicular to the ranks/files on a chess board.


find_moves {

For all timelines			// parallelize over all timelines
		For all historical timesteps	// parallelize over all timesteps
			For all chess pieces	// parallelize over all pieces
				Generate possible moves on current board (2D)
				Add moves to a queue


main {
Initialize board
While (is not end) {
		White find best moves for all timelines	// parallelize over timelines
			Build monte carlo tree			// parallelize on subtrees (hard)
				Run find_moves and update moves recursively
			Evaluate utility function on all leaf nodes	// parallel on nodes
			Run minimax algo
		Update white moves
		Black find best moves
			… … (same as white)
		Update black moves